Week 5 - Found critical issue again..keep rolling

Overall Results

Reports Hackerone Bugcrowd Private Programs
P1-P2 2 1 1
P3 2 0 0
P4-P5 20 5 1
Duplicated 9 2 0
Pending 5 0 0
Traiged 5 0 0

Total paid bounty $ 5,828 USD ( - )
Pending bounty $ 4500 USD (+ 4000 )
Est. Unconfirmed bounty $ 3000 USD


Only big goals are worth to do

Dont work on small scope stuff, it doesnt pay
Only big company & big goals are worth to hack

Do whatever others don’t

Prioritize your work, dont hack what everyone can hack
Hack on what only you or a few of you can hack